Tom Whittle’s Story

From Apprentice To Administration Assistant

Name: Tom Whittle

Position: Marine Engineer

Site: Marine Base, Liverpool

  1. What is your current role in Briggs Marine?

Marine Engineer.

  1. What are your main responsibilities?

I work within part of a team of three emergency response engineers. We support the safe and continuous running of the Pilot Launches and, Mooring-, Oil Spill Response, and Survey Vessels.

  1. How long have you been an engineer?

I have worked for Briggs Marine for four years, starting as a Pilot Launch Coxswain.

  1. What inspired you to become an engineer?

From a young age I have always had a keen interest in engineering. I enjoyed stripping down engines, fault finding and rebuilding them.

  1. How did you become an engineer?

I was on secondment from my role as Coxswain, and while performing the engineer’s duties a position became available to be part of the call out team on a full-time basis.

  1. What skills have you developed?

I have expanded my capabilities, gaining more knowledge of high-powered marine diesels, marine electrics and electronics, air conditioning and refrigeration units.

  1. Do you enjoy being an engineer?

Yes, very much so. Every day is different, and some tasks can be very challenging at times.

  1. Is being an engineer a rewarding career?

Yes, being a Marine Engineer is highly rewarding. Most call outs we attend can be fault finding. It gives me a great sense of achievement when I have identified and solved a problem so that the vessel can return to service”.

  1. Would you encourage someone to enter the industry?

I would encourage anyone to enter the industry who has a desire to be part of a sector that is highly innovative and gives you a real sense of achievement and belonging when working collaboratively, to find solutions to complex problems. With advancements in technology continuing to shape the sector it is imperative that we inspire the next talented, passionate and driven generation to pursue a career in engineering, ensuring strong future growth.

Tom's Story

“I work within part of a team of three emergency response engineers. We support the safe and continuous running of the Pilot Launches and, Mooring-, Oil Spill Response, and Survey Vessels.”

Tom Whittle