Energy Policy


Briggs Marine & Environmental Services recognise that fossil fuels are a finite resource and that their use may lead to climate change. Therefore, Briggs has committed to continually improve its method of managing energy usage, to avoid energy wastage and unnecessary expenditure.

To achieve this aim the company has implemented an energy management system compliant to ISO

It shall apply to all UK operations as detailed in the energy management performance report and will enable the company to meet or exceed its legal obligations under ESOS and other requirements.

It is Briggs’ policy to:

  • Maintain a register of significant energy aspects
  • Ensure availability of information to enable effective monitoring of energy performance
  • Review performance on a regular basis and set annual objectives and targets
  • Provide the necessary resources to achieve the objectives and targets
  • Consider best practice when procuring energy efficient products and services
  • Make energy efficiency improvements a key part of our design processes
  • Communicate the energy management system to all people working for or on behalf of the organisation
  • Encourage suppliers and contractors to develop sustainable energy management practices
  • Make this policy available to interested parties upon request

It is the expectation of Briggs’ that the implementation of this policy requires the cooperation of all members of management and staff.

The divisional HSEQ Manager has been given the appropriate authority and responsibility for establishing, implementing and maintaining the environmental management system and for reporting on performance and recommendations for improvement to the Board.