Marine Health, Safety & Environmental Policy


The Health, Safety and Environmental Policy of Briggs Marine and Environmental Services is to prevent human injury or loss of life by securing and maintaining a high standard of safety performance, to foster concern and respect for protecting the environment on land and sea and avoid property damage in all its undertakings and ensure that employees conduct their operations in the same spirit.

Ensuring the health and safety of personnel and protection of the environment is a fundamental requirement within the Group, an output of which is sustainable growth and profit of the business.

Health, Safety and Environmental Management Procedures have been prepared to ensure that employees adopt safe working practices and comply with the various statutory standards.

The aim of the Company therefore is to:

  • Conduct its undertakings with a target of zero injuries to employees, sub-contractor employees or members of the public
  • Manage the use of substances with a target of zero environmental incidents
  • Set, encourage, and maintain safe standards and safe working environments on land and sea and seek continuous improvement by regular reviews of performance
  • Ensure that a system of identifying, assessing and adequately controlling health, safety and environmental risk is established and maintained
  • Encourage employee involvement, through their Safety Representatives, in the establishment of safe work practices and a cleaner, quieter environment
  • Reduce/control our consumption of energy and promote the use of alternative environmentally friendly fuels
  • Ensure that suitable training, instruction, and supervision is given to all employees in the use of work equipment and materials and the correct disposal of waste
  • Continuously improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard vessels including preparing for emergencies related both to safety and environmental protection
  • Comply with safety, health and environmental requirements of law and act positively to prevent injury, ill health, damage, loss, and environmental damage arising from its operation
  • Raise environmental awareness throughout the workforce
  • Limit the production of waste by re-using/recycling wherever possible and only to use licensed waste handlers for disposal
  • Reduce emissions to the environment
  • Keep records of the production and disposal of controlled waste

Third-Party Information

Briggs Marine and Environmental Services also recognise the duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable that persons not in their employment who may be affected by what they do, are not exposed to risks to their Health and Safety.

This is especially relevant with respect to principal contractors and sub-contractors and when carrying out operations where the public may be close by or have legitimate access to areas near work operations. To this end, work areas and operations will be assessed, and relevant hazards made known to any persons who could be affected by the operations.

Employee Responsibilities

All employees must be aware that they have a duty under Sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 to take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of any others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. They must also co-operate with the Employer and others to enable them to comply with their duties under the Act. The Act also prohibits the intentional or reckless interference with, or misuse of, anything provided in the interests of health and safety. It is the policy of Briggs Marine and Environmental Services that operations within the company will be carried out to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act Etc 1974.

Shipboard activities will be carried out in accordance with the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997 and will also comply with the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (International Safety Management (ISM) Code) Regulations 2018.

An ISM Procedures Manual has been developed to ensure compliance with this code. The Briggs Marine and Environmental Services Health, Safety and Environmental Procedures and the ISM Ship Safety Management Manual form an integral part of this policy.

The responsibility for implementing and operating this Policy rests with the Vessel Masters. They will keep the effective implementation and operation of this Policy under continual review.

Within the guidelines provided by this Policy, all employees have a part to play in maintaining high standards of safety and in achieving full compliance with legal requirements. The basic need is for every employee to take care of him or herself, colleagues, and the public.

The Company is responsible for ensuring that all its employees receive the necessary training to carry out their duties in a safe manner and that staff charged with particular responsibilities for safety are able to fulfil those duties and obligations.

This Policy forms the basis for a reduction in hazards and an improvement in Safety at Work. Its effectiveness will come from the individual and combined efforts of everyone to make it successful.

This Policy is made available to all through prominent display aboard Briggs Vessels.

This Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis or when any significant changes within the Company or processes prompt revision.